Dredging project proponents should use this page to submit (upload) documents for DMMO to review at an upcoming meeting. In order to be considered at the next DMMO meeting, your documents should be uploaded at least a full week in advance of the meeting. (Upcoming scheduled DMMO meeting dates are shown below.)
Testing laboratories should also use this page to upload new sediment testing results directly to the database.
Uploading Instructions
NEW DMMO Sediment Dredging Characterization Data Template Package v.4
NEW DMMO Sediment Dredging Characterization Data Template Package v.4 - User’s Manual
NEW DMMO Sediment Characterization TemplateV4_QuickStart
BEFORE YOU START: To submit documents or laboratory data, your project first has to be set up by the DMMO. If you don't see your project on the Projects List page, please contact the web site administrator who will create a Project Page for your project. Once your Project Page has been created, you may submit documents or laboratory data by following the instructions below.
To upload data from a laboratory, first make sure the data are in the standard v.4 DMMO Excel format. The DMMO Excel Templates, an example data file, and a Template User Manual are available here. To submit completed Excel Template files, use the DMMO Data Portal and follow the on-screen instructions. You will need to contact SFEI Data Services to obtain DMMO Data Portal login credentials, if you do not already have them. Successfully uploaded laboratory test data will be available to be viewed and downloaded (through appropriate queries) on the Testing Data page. Frequently Asked Questions about the process are answered on the DMMO FAQ Page. For assistance on populating the templates, contact the SFEI Data Services team. If you need to resubmit a template package, please notify the DMMO and SFEI Data Services team as soon as possible.
To upload data in legacy data templates if a laboratory has provided the data in an older version of the DMMO Excel Templates, use the legacy DMMO Upload Wizard and follow the on-screen instructions. After December 31st, 2024, only data in v.4 DMMO Excel Templates, submitted through the DMMO Data Portal, will be accepted. Please direct laboratories to use the current v.4 DMMO Excel Templates for any new datasets.
To upload documents such as sampling plans, maps, or other deliverables (other than the DMMO Excel Templates for laboratory data), go to the DMMO Meeting Area page and click on the Document icon. Documents of any file type may be submitted, including but not limited to word processing files, spreadsheets, image files, PDFs, etc. (However, DMMO Consolidated Permit Application forms generally should not be submitted here as they may contain personal or confidential information - see warning below.) Successfully uploaded documents will appear in the documents list below, and are then available to be downloaded and reviewed by DMMO agency staff as well as the public.
DMMO Document Submission Naming Convention: The DMMO uses a standard naming convention. All document and data submissions should follow the naming convention as appropriate. All documents will be named with [Year]_[Agency/Entity]_[Facility]_[Document Type]_[Revised]. For more information, review these guidelines.
WARNING: Any document uploaded to this electronic filing system will be available to the public and dredging project proponents, in addition to the DMMO agencies.
DO NOT UPLOAD any confidential business information. The DMMO will consider any claim of confidentiality for any business information to be waived if such information is uploaded using this system.
DO NOT UPLOAD other private information the disclosure of which would constitute an unwarranted invasion of any person's privacy (for example: social security numbers; birthdates; medical records; personal financial information; personal addresses, email addresses, or phone numbers; or photographs containing images of individuals).
For information on how to submit confidential business information or other private materials please contact the DMMO Chief, Jessica Vargas at 415-503-2936.
Please email SFEI Data Services at [email protected] with any questions or comments.